Ash Content

Ash and its potential impact.

Wax ASH is undesirable as it can lead to casting defects and inclusions in the final casting. These defects can result in a higher level of clean-up / rework of the part or on some occasions create scrap parts.

Opacifier in our High Definition waxes.

All the materials that go into manufacturing our products are organic. For some selected products such as our “High definition waxes” we use an opacifier to enhance the detail of the parts. The material we use for this opacifier is proprietary to our formulas and totally safe to use (please review our Safety Data Sheet). We can assure you that this opacification material is NOT Titanium Dioxide.

The maximum ash content for all our materials including our high definition wax is lower than 0.015%, generally speaking they are typically lower than 0.007%.